*me *
# Joy JM
# Dancer
# Believes in the spirit of volunteerism!
# Future backpacker:D
# NATURE-lover
# welcome all who wants to make friends:)


# To Sing:D
# Sunflowers!!
# Musical boxes:)
# Yellow & Orange
# Kids!!
And most importantly my brother, sister, mum n dad!!!

Wei Qiang.
Shu En
Soh Hwee!

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011

~Beautiful fragments of my life~

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Orange,
I realise that it has been months since iv last written in my other diary(rainbow).THe internet just makes things alot easier. But its no good coz i doubt 10, 15 years down the road that this blog will still be alive.
Last night i stayed up still 3am to finish reading this damn cool mystery story, HHEHE I felt a GREAT sense of satisfaction coz this is the first book iv completed ever since A lvls ended:D More to come JM!
Anywae, i was looking through my past photo albums and i realise the dramatic change of hairstyles overtime. HAHA no wonder my friend's brother never seem to recognise my face!

I somehow miss my fringe hehe. And i miss Greenlink and Dance!:(
THose memories will be imprinted in my head and heart:)


jiamin=) out
@ |Monday, March 29, 2010|

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dear Orange,
Today we had 08A02 class dinner at clarke quay:) The Italian restaurant at liang court is gd n cheap:) Shall bring my family there soon!
Anywae, meeting up once in a while is great n exciting in a way coz sometimes u get to know breaking news of certain ppl in the class. WOOHOO. Heeeee..
After dinner, we walked around the central and also the shops lining the Singapore River before settling down by the river to chat. Had quite an enjoyable time:) After lim n waner made their 11:11 wish, we all headed home. I took 174 with yy n jr. HAHA had amusing conversations on the way back. Anywae, it wasnt a direct bus, so i had to walk this long ulu stretch of road home. I was almost sprinting alrdy coz i was so afraid. HAHA JM isnt that brave afterall. Well. and i just reached home n finished drinking the tom yam soup my dad cooked:) I feel so loved:D

ALso, one interesting thing that happened over the past few days was that i actually put ntu arts,design and media as my first choice. I was shocked myself. I still remembered the teacher's day card me and sarah drew on behalf of the class for Mrs Chee in JC1. The huge contrast made the whole class laughed for half the lesson-.- HAiz. Although im not gifted in drawing, but i really have interest in this area, especially in design. HAHA, i wonder if im really given a chance to venture into design, will I be able to develop a forte in this area.. HMM... HAiz. but the assignments i have to do are only half completed and i havent start on my portfolio yet! And the deadline's next Wednesday! GO JM!

YEsterday i saw a dramatic scene of a drunked man lying on the grasspatch on my way home. He was vomitting and trying to get up at the same time. He nearly succeeded sitting up but then he fell head down with a loud thud on the ground. Hhaha. At that point of time, i was wondering how i would react. HAHA. I went over to offer my help! LOL i wanted to call ambulance for him but he kept rejecting me. Then i made sure he was ok before i walked away. Surprisingly, he thanked me!(probably sober after vomitting:)

Oh manz i realised that im especially disorganised for this blogpost. But still, iv something to add on. HAHA. That night me and my mum heard two cats fighting really hard downstairs. Coz the noise was extremely high-pitched and disturbing, we went to look out o fthe window when it suddenly stopped. Then we saw one of the cat walking towards the other, while the other timidly stepped aback. Wow. THeir faces were almost touching each other, and they were engaged in some sort of debate. The fierce cat kept interrogating the other one, v v aggressively, then the other one replied! This went on for 10min! Then they started fighting again. HAHA. So the 2 saviours decided to go down to stop the fight. HHehe. i think i inherited abit of my mom's kaypohness.
Anywae, what im trying to conclude from this whole incident is that cats communicate with each other like humans do! And they do get emotional. Its really entertaining watching them talk to each other in cat language:D

Ok. Before i get more random, please let me retire for the night and organise my thoughts.


jiamin=) out
@ |Saturday, March 27, 2010|

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ELLOO Orange,
Today's a delightful day. HAHA! After quarelling with JJQ for the past few days, everyth is finally ok alrdy woohoo:D Although i was angry with u, i miss u k! LIke wth, 2months never see her alrdy. So yea, me, ly, jjq, we went to watch Alice In the Wonderland(3D).Yea MANNZZ although its not fantastic, its quite exciting la. I like the way Alice shrank and then grew tall then shrank again. HAHA how i wish i can be like her. But wonderland isnt a very nice place :x

After the movie, we went play arcade! DDR, time crisis4, the childhood table thingy, and street basketball! HAHA. so glad to see the wide smiles on their faces:D I enjoyed myself too!

Then Ly had to leave, so me n jjq went to buy some food and went up to foodcourt to eat. Also shopped around for awhile. HAHA, i spent 30bucks!:(

Our final stop was the library. JJQ borrowed 6 books regarding healthcare(crazy girl) n i borrowed 2 storybks. Browsed through several interior design magazines in the library. If iv money in the future il make sure i design my own house! I've got so many ideas i cant wash them into the drain right lol.

Anyway, today's weather is great n im in a pretty gd mood, hehe so i shall tell u smth bout my dad. LOL
Joke of the Day:
My cute daddy thought that he got a really good deal for a handphone for 2bucks, which was a discounted rate, coz its original price is five-.- Guess what, its a toy phone! Haiyo my naive daddy. Now he blames it on the people crowding around the store for not commenting that those phones are not real.>.< He dad's cute isnt he?


jiamin=) out
@ |Tuesday, March 23, 2010|

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear Orange,

today's weather brought me into deep thoughts about this particular scene that has been replaying itself in my head since i was young, perharps since the very first time i read "The Little Matchstick girl" Hehe:)

It was wintertime back in the early 1900s. I was all alone at night, walking along a narrow lane, bounded by 2 rows of cottage houses. The ground was covered with pure white snow, the street lights shinning brightly over my head. I passed form house to house and peeked into every window. All had tall candles standing on the dining table. Sumptuous feasts have been specially prepared for this festive season. The soft humming of christmas carols coming from afar filled my ear drums. Although it was bitterly cold, i felt this unexplainable form of warmth coming from within me. Christmas felt so close to my heart then. DEJAVU!

P.s. I believe that one day I will chance upon this place that has been living in my memory for so long:) I look forward to that day:)


jiamin=) out
@ |Thursday, March 18, 2010|

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Orange,
I've been wanting to update yesterday, but was busy with uni application. Was rather upset yesterday. Maybe im oversensitive like you said, but i dont know why. I feel quite unappreciated. Although i understand that you do care as a friend, but sometimes being physically there beats mental/moral support.
We know you have to accompany your parents since you are the only child.I feel that iv been really really understanding these past few years. Haiz but everyone's tolerance level have a limit. You may think that im petty, im unforgiving. But, the pangseh-ing has been repeated for the upteemth times. Iv told you how i wish you can change, not to be so self-centred blah blah, but change just doesnt seem to be possible. Y?

Sometimes i have to be the bad guy you noe, i hope that you can wake up from your own little shell/world coz if u want to make friends in the future, u need to know that not everyone can understand your pangseh-ing. Yea. Haiz, actually im not angry anymore, well but now you are. Ok lor. We'll see how it goes.

Now i shall cheer up abit:)
My offday yesterday was spent with my primary school friends:) There were newcomers joining us yesterday for bball!
No1: Avelyn(Darrell's gf)
No2: Junxian
YAY welcome to our gang.
Sweat, play and lots of fun!
Nigel joined us real late.

After bball, went for lunch. Then off to bb csc. Well, the pool is not open yet, so we ended up in ktv. Uncle was nice. He gave 7 of us a price of 20bucks, with 7 drinks and some titbits. We got to play 1 round of pool(which lasted for 40min-.-) and also sing 1hr of ktv. HAHA! Sad, Huiyong and Meixi didnt sing at all! Most of the time it was me n nigel hogging the mic. CMI! LOL. Darrell n his gf did sing "tong hua", which he had difficulty trying to recognise the chinese characters!:D

Overall it was an enjoyable day with them.
Then i got home, did some packing and started my uni apps.
Then i was upset for awhile. But im ok now!:D

Thats all i want to say.

jiamin=) out
@ |Wednesday, March 17, 2010|

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hey yoyo Orange!
Yesterday was a pretty much fun day with my family and cousins. It was family day at Escape theme park and WWW:D Woah it has been eons since i went on such thrilling rides!! The family slide at WWW was ZOMG. I screamed likee i never did. And my bro forced me to take that HORRENDOUSLY NERVE WRECKING i-dunno-what-u-call-that U-shaped slide thing with him. AAHHHHH it was so thrilling. My heart nearly dropped.:S My sis n i went to the baby pool to join in the fun with other young kids haha. My dad is still the lame-fun-adventurous old dad. And my mum waited outside for us as usual.

After WWW we went to Escape with our cousins. This time mum followed us in. The highlight was the pirate ship. HHHAA mum decided to try the ride once. And she was so afraid it freaked me out. We got the guy to stop. Haiz. in the end all of us left the place feeling really giddy.
And the haunted house left me with a blueblack on my head. My little cousin was also really scared so i had to put my hands around her and help her cover her eyes so that she cannot see. We were walking along the narrow corridor and suddenly there was this door swinging towards me. OUCHH! Just now i thought that the bump on my head is a pimple but now that i recall it hurts even more:(

The bus back home was awesome!!!!! We took the coach specially catered to NTUC family day event home. ANd we were the only family heading to JUrong. YEAH so we ahd the whole bus to us!!!!!!! It felt really gd to be on the road home from pasir ris to JE. Alot of recollections of my childhood when i used to always travel to and fro between these 2 places:) Fond memories:)

Saturday was a marvellous day as well. Morning was spent eating breakfast with Leon. WOAH haha crystal Jade dim sum's really sumptous:D The porridge's yummy, the baos also steaming hot and the xiao long bao really goes well tgth with vinegar. THANks man bro! And Leon lent me his guitar. HAAha it was more for my other family members la since i cant play:( YAY at least they strum, i sing:)
Alright.. and afternn i met Nat for NUS open house:)Its a very warm and homey school campus:) Met dearest hannah peanut there YAY. The ppl are all v enthu and thanks to them i know where i what i wanna do alrdy!
After the whole thing ended, me and nat carried our heavy NUS goodie bag and took mrt all the way to expo. Was abit late. Gobbled down a burger and then went in for the concert. It was awesome! They really put in alot of effort and thoughts into the whole performance. I was rather high la. Hehe JM's first time watching a live performance by a singer leh:D Thenk you Nat for the invitation yeah!

Hmm and today.. I rushed to work coz i woke up at 10.45 when im supposed to reach at 11am. HAHA. still 20min late. Really tired now.

P.S. yesterday Dwarf JZ called me. Made me realise how long iv left VE. Quite miss the ppl there. Ms lixia, Mr HB'group,Ms Dorothy'sgrp, Mr Charles.. Haha.But i guess i wouldnt go back anymore. Hope everyone does well!!!!!!! :DDD VE will GROW AND PROSPER!

Yea its time to sleep.

jiamin=) out
@ |Monday, March 15, 2010|

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Orange,
Everything is finally settling down. WoW 1 week of relief teaching + admin one after the other. Seriously didnt know how i managed to do that. Had almost 1 consecutive week of gastric alrdy! Anyway it felt awesome to be back in RV again after 2 years in NJ! I always see a sea of familiar faces whenever i go hehe.

The year 1 classes i taught were really cute. 1 boy asked me for autograph!O.O 1J made a really nice note for me using icecream sticks hhaha. All my classes greeted me a very enthusiastic and warm goodbye for my last day with them. YAY i really enjoyed myself with them.

Today's fire drill will probably be the very last one il have in my life unless a real fire breaks out:D My adorable class went by the library way although the school management announced very loudly that the library was on fire-.- Oh and the new principal really do look n dress abit like Chairman Mao. Rv is gonna turn communist! Anywaes, i hope RV first A level batch will do okay. And 4M must work hard and do well for their O lvls man!!

Lol k. Jm enough bout sch. Now to work. WOAH iv been getting like a lot of scoldings recently from my boss. WTH. Most of the time i wasnt in the wrong but im not the kind who would point fingers at others. So everytime when my boss opens her mouth, the song,"Put the blame on me" will start playing over and over again in my head. Haha funny.
I only like work coz of my colleagues and the kids..Tmr is not bad coz we are going to get a lunch treat from our bosses. Can order anyth we like leh:D Im gonna make sure the feast pays me back for all the gastric pain i suffered!

Am looking forward to this weekend manzz!
Saturday morning Leon's gonna treat me dim sum YUM! And then will be off to NUS openhouse with nat:D Then to max pavillion for the JJLin 313concert WOOHOO!
SUnday will be family dayyy yeppiieeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!yayayayayay ESCAPE!

Let me think...last sunday was really fun also. Went to SMU open house. Saw the hiphop dance. WOAHHHH the dancers were really dynamic and sharp and cool manzz O.O
Then me and LEN began our walk to bugis and then to Singapore River. In between, we stoppe to eat KFC, then went into a pet shop:D Then halfway we saw Raffles Hotel. Then we went in to see. HAHA it was very empty. Feels like its gonna be abandoned soon. Yea so we took a lot of pictures, including LEN's failed jumpshots>.< I love the place manzz. The lighting, the antique-ancient kind of feeling that seems to me like a time capsule that stores alot of fond memories of the past. We both enjoyed the ambience alot! Its like the previous alkaff mansion part 2! Alkaff rawks! We are planning to return soon:D

Finally after a very long time, we finally reached sg river. HHEHE! Chatted for half an hour, then bus home. It has been quite a while since we spend such quality time tgth! Really glad:D

Sometimes i wonder how 2 complete strangers can become best of friends. They are such wonderful gifts that God has sent to me. HEHe LEN you are just like the sibling i never had. Thank you for painting together with me such a beautiful friendship:)

Dont be too touched:)

Miss Joy:D

jiamin=) out
@ |Thursday, March 11, 2010|

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear Orange,
my sis is such a lovely, generous, outspoken, friendly n kind little girl(although she looks more matured than me.haha) Girl, if u r reading this, i hope u can show ppl ard u who u really are inside. Break away from that shell of urs, dont hide things from me, at least. Its horrible keeping things to urself. i really want to help u with whatever u r facing now. Please dont ever ever revert to your old ways. I am so happy to see u change, and for a long time the quarrels n everyth stopped yea. Its awesome. Really:)

you r doing great in sch. The end results is get for ur tests etc is really not tht impt. Most importantly is the progress we see in u. Really. Dont do anyth tht harms urself(u know what i mean). I hope u dont give up on urself. Dont let mum n dad down.

You see, i dedicated such a long post to u. I really do care alot although im always so bz outside:(

I love u!

jiamin=) out
@ |Sunday, March 07, 2010|

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dear Orange,
The most significant event of the week is of coz the release of my A lvl results. wAS super duper nervous when i was on my way to school. Felt abit better when i sat down with my class. Saw many many familiar-long-time-no-see faces haha. One of it is my eyecandy! hAAHHA he is so dark. And wearing a beanie over his bald head:p Bet he did really well. But anywaes, congrats to sherlene aka greenlink president! One of the top science students in our sch! :D So super happy for her!

THen slowly one by one we collected our results. I was the second to get it. HAHA n the last to open it. Hhaha no gd,no courage to open. THe whole scene was v dramatic. Like a chain reaction,the girls in my class started crying. THere were straight As, alot of As. HaHHA it was joy n laughter:) I am so so glad for them. Congrats! ZF, YX, HM, Sarah. I was smiling all the way. HAHA my other friends thought i did very well. No lar its below nj average. But i passed GP! And iv got A for geog:DD Omg. really v v v happy. Thts enough for me le:) My effort did pay off:)

K enough of the results. Second most happening thing in my life now is relief teaching! HAHA. I love my class 1K! They are really cute:D V polite, n awesome class spirit! 1F was a bit tu xue. Opps. but really zero respect.
Im gonna ask 4M for bball. Dunno whether it'll succeed haha.
I think everyday of teaching is a roller coaster for a new comer like me. Although im exhausted,i did enjoy myself alot. Thanks for the opportunity manzz:)

Opps. i totally dao-ed my family coz i was so tired. Now its time to make up for it. Buaizz

jiamin=) out
@ |Saturday, March 06, 2010|

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear Orange,
Relief teaching is starting tmr! Somehow looking forward to it HAHA. Iv to take attendance for the teacher's form class, so have to reach school before 7.20. Manz its just like secondary school days.. and im sitting in the cubicle next to my sec sch geog teacher!

Anywae coz rv is so big now, i bet il get lost. Hope my students dont run away haha. Hope everyth turns out fine! JIAYOU JM aka Miss Joy. HAHA.

Btw, i treated my sis to Swensons this afternn. We ordered sundaes for dessert. Only 9.80! 2 for the price of one! My banana split ended up looking like some natural disaster happened>.< Mei couldnt finish her milo icecream also.
So i conclude that food always tastes better when its shared between 2 or more:D

My banana split:


Milo sundae

P.S.Jiayou MEI! Dont give up!!


jiamin=) out
@ |Wednesday, March 03, 2010|

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dear Orange,
I shopped today and used my atm card so happily that i didnt realise I spent more than 80 bucks in just 2hrs! EEyeer i always do tht when im stressed or unhappy. But doesnt seem like it leh..so i conclude that atm cards are horrible inventions unless you can resist your urge to splurge-.-

Anywaem i dropped the files 5 times at work when shuling n Kailin were discussing abt A lvl results and uni application. I dont want to think about anyth until i get my results man! HAha. Luckily my schedule on thursday n friday is so super busy tht i have no time to think about A lvl:D
Gonna be doing 1 week of relief teaching in rv starting this thurs. Mans. Really have to teach them geog leh! Not sit down there supervise only:(
hAizzzzzzz im starting to sigh again. Gastric sia.

Oh btw, i havent introduced the kids at my tuition centre yet!
Yesterday there was a group of phonics n reading kids:D and i was called in by the teacher to help look after the class. Woohoo.
They asked me," teacher, what's ur name?"
I told them that i am Joy, J-O-Y Teacher Joy haha.
And i explained to them the meaning of the word and asked them if they are happy children.
And they replied YES haha.
Anywae, they are really talkative and I enjoyed myself with them hehe cute.

My favourite kid is Jessie! Although he's really playful n hyper, hes superrr cute. Tht time i brought them to the toilet. He suddenly stopped halfway and hugged my leg! Wah so super cute.
And there are also a couple of potential shuai ges and mei nus in our tuition centre hehe.

I feel that kids are really lovely if you understand them and talk to them:D
That time i went to volunteer at a moral epic centre where the kids have slower learning abilities than normal children. But you know what. Although they may not understand ABC, and they cannot speak, they know what is love, what is care and what is share. Through a simple hug, you know that they appreciate what you've done for them:) Very sweet:)

We should give more hugs of encouragement and appreciation to our love ones, to show that we care and will always be there for them:D I shall do that more often!

Now, ciao!

jiamin=) out
@ |Tuesday, March 02, 2010|